UN Security Council adopts resolution on Youth, Peace and Security
On 9 December 2015, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2250, which for the first time in the history of the UN focuses entirely on the role of youth in peace and security.
The resolution highlights the need to engage young men and women in peace-building, conflict resolution, disarmament, overcoming violence, and preventing terrorism and extremism.
Peace seeds in the National Botanical Garden
The seeds of the Ginkgo are our guests again; and Iran’s National Botanical Garden, with the guidance and presence of one of the volunteers of the Tehran Peace Museum, is the host. They are the seeds of Hiroshima's Ginkgo tree, collected in 2015 from the mother tree located in Shukkeien Garden less than 1.5 kilometers from the hypocenter of the atomic bomb attack (1945).
"Peace Counts" exhibition and workshops in Tehran's universities
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran hosted the "Peace Counts" exhibition on 13-20 December, 2015. The exhibition was organized in collaboration with the Tehran Peace Museum on the occasion of the National Research Week.
The TPM's representatives attend the 20th Conference of State Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention
The 20th Conference of State Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) was held from 30 November to 4 December 2015 in the Hague, the Netherlands. Two representatives of the Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) were among the participants and attended some of the plenary sessions of the conference and the CWC coalition's meetings as well as the side events.
Iranian physician as a recipient of the Second Annual "OPCW-The Hague Award"
According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Dr. Mahdi Balali-Mood, an Iranian national, who is an expert toxicologist and has dedicated his career to the treatment of victims of chemical warfare agents; is one of the recipients of the Second Annual "OPCW-The Hague Award”. Professor Balali-Mood has jointly won the prize with Dr. Alastair Hay of the United Kingdom.
TPM representatives delivered a petition on “Mecca Disaster” to UN
Few days after the “Mecca Disaster” (24 September) in which hundreds of pilgrims, including Iranians, died as a result of an incident; The Iranian Alliance of Motion Picture Guilds in collaboration with the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) launched a campaign to express the concerns over the incident in a peaceful way.
From Clouds of Chemical Warfare to Blue Skies of Peace
The October 2015 edition of the Journal of Peace Education has been released and includes the article From Clouds of Chemical Warfare to Blue Skies of Peace, which was co-authored by Dr. Shahriar Khateri and Elizabeth Lewis.
This article charts the origins, rationale and development to date of the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM).
The seminar on “Legal Aspects of Anfal Operation” in the TPM
The seminar on “Legal Aspects of Anfal Operation” was held in the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) in October 28th, 2015. In this seminar, Dr. Asa’ad Ardalan and Dr. Seyed Ghasem Zamani discussed this issue, after Mr. Shayan Seyed Ahmadi presented a summary of his M.A dissertation for his post graduate studies in International Law with the same topic. Representatives of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (KRG) were among the participants.
The 12th issue of the INMP newsletter is published
The 12th issue of the INMP (International Network of Museums for Peace) Newsletter (August 2015) is published and is now available on the following link.
In this issue of the newsletter, you can find reports and news from the peace museums around the world as well as useful information about the new peace related publications and exhibitions.
Ambassador Krzysztof Paturej Visits TPM
Ambassador Krzysztof Paturej, President of The International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS), visited the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) on September 22nd, 2015.
After a guided tour by chemical weapons survivors of the TPM, Mr. Paturej joined the volunteers of the TPM for a short meeting.
Angola Joins Chemical Weapons Convention
Angola has joined the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) as the 192nd member. Angola deposited the instrument of accession to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) with the Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, on September 16th 2015. The convention will come into force on October 16th 2015.
“International Day of Peace” Celebration in the Tehran Peace Museum
The chemical weapons survivors of the Iran-Iraq War and volunteers of the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) hosted an International Day of Peace celebration on Tuesday, 22 September 2015. Held at the TPM, the event was in collaboration with the National Secretariat of the International Council of the Museums (ICOM).
“Council for Promoting Culture of Peace for Children” commemorated International Day of Peace
On Monday 21 September 2015, on the occasion of International Day of Peace, an event by the Council for Promoting Culture of Peace for Children held to commemorate the date.
Children’s drawing workshop on the occasion of International Day of Peace
On 20 September 2015, the Tehran Peace Museum organized a children drawing workshop with the aim of Cooperation and Participation for peace in the Tehran’s City Park.
This event was organized in collaboration with the Network for Assisting Labour Children and a group of Imam Ali Student Society for Assistance and Relief.
Tehran Peace Museum Welcomed International Day of Peace
In the afternoon of Wednesday 16 September 2015, the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) family held an event to mark and welcome the International Day of Peace (21 September). The ceremony was held by the TPM in collaboration with the United Nations office in Iran, and the Andisheh Cultural Center as its venue.
Tehran Peace Museum commemorates International Day of Peace
Every year, the Tehran Peace Museum family, in collaboration with the United Nations Office in Tehran, holds a ceremony to commemorate the International Day of Peace. This special occasion reminds us all about how and why we have come together to reconcile peace among nations, community members, families and individuals.
Indonesian Ambassador Visits the Peace Museum
On Wednesday 9 September 2015, H.E. Mr. Dian Wirengjurit, Ambassador of the Indonesia to Tehran, and companies visited the Peace Museum.
Ambassador Wirengjurit, who was invited by young volunteer members of the museum, was given a guided tour of the museum by chemical weapons victims who volunteer at the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM).
Peace Education Workshop held for interested individuals
A Peace education workshop in collaboration with a number of Tehran University professors was held in the Tehran Peace Museum on Wednesday, September 8.
In this one-day workshop that was held with the presence of a number of interested guest masters of peace studies, political sciences and international law, the concept of peace with an Islamic view, the Iranian constitutional law and international studies were discussed. The participants of the workshop, along with the explanations of the volunteer guides and narrators of the museum, visited the Tehran Peace Museum and got acquainted with its activities.