Fourth Model UN Security Council Simulation at Tehran Peace Museum

un-simulation-news 2015The fourth UN Security Council simulation in cooperation with United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran and the International Studies Journal (ISJ) was held on 27 August 2015 at the Tehran Peace Museum.

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Australian Ambassador Visits the Peace Museum

Australian-AmbassadorOn Monday 23 August 2015, H.E. Mr. Paul Foley, Ambassador of Australia in Tehran, visited the Tehran Peace Museum.
Ambassador Foley was given a guided tour of the museum by chemical weapons victims who volunteer at the TPM. After the tour, the Ambassador joined a meeting with volunteers and staff of the TPM, where he was presented with a brief report on the museum’s educational programs and international relations.

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International Youth Day Celebrated in the Peace Museum

International-youth-day-2015An event on the global celebration of International Youth Day took place in the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) on Wednesday August 12, 2015, in collaboration with the Iranian Youth Parliament and the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) office in Tehran.

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TPM Volunteers Attend the International Youth for Peace Conference in Hiroshima

Hiroshima-youth-2015-tnThree young volunteer members of the Tehran Peace Museum represented the city of Tehran at the International Youth for Peace Conference hosted by the Hiroshima municipality in Japan from the 4th to the 14th of August 2015.

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Invitation to Attend the International Youth Day at the Tehran Peace Museum

youth-day-poster-2015On Wednesday 12 August, 2015 from 10 am to 12 noon, the Tehran Peace Museum will be hosting a special event to celebrate International Youth Day. The event is being held in collaboration with the Iranian Youth Parliament, the Office of the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran and the Tehran Peace Museum.

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Second Iran-Japan Love and Peace Film Festival

filmfestivalleaflet 2015As one of the annual joint projects of the Tehran Peace Museum and the Japanese NPO (MOCT), the second Iran-Japan Love and Peace Film Festivalwas held in Hiroshima and Tokyo from 1st to 9th August 2015.

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Tehran Peace Museum / SCWVS Delegation Met Mayor of Hiroshima


During the 70th anniversary memorial of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima, a delegation from the Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) from Iran visited Hiroshima and met with Mayor Matsui, Mayor of Hiroshima on 5 August.

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Hiroshima – 70 Years On

6-Aug-2015On August 6th 1944, the world witnessed the first nuclear attacks on civilian populations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  70 years on the horrors of these heinous attacks have been recorded in history and today peace activists throughout the world work towards a nuclear free world and global peace.  To mark this momentous occasion on the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing, a peace memorial ceremony was held at Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park, attended by people from all around the world. 

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Banner-17-July-ENGInternational Criminal Justice Day is celebrated each year on 17 July.  This year, the Tehran Peace Museum held an anniversary observance on Wednesday 29 July by hosting a conference with an international speaker.  The museum invited a number of guests and volunteers to attend and focus on the theme for this year that #JusticeMatters.

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Peace Counts on Tour in Tehran Peace Museum

Peace-counts-2The Peace Counts Exhibition and related workshops were held in the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) from 20th to 24th July 2015 with the presence of representatives from the Berghof Foundation from Germany.

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Representatives of the Swedish embassy visited Tehran Peace Museum

Sweden picOn Monday 27 July 2015, Mr. Per Linner, the second secretary of the embassy of Sweden in Iran who is in charge of the cultural affairs of this embassy too, visited the Tehran Peace Museum, together with his colleague, Mr. Soheil Rahgozar, Senior Officer of Trade & Cultural Affairs in the Swedish embassy.

To see the photos of this visit click here.

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Tehran Peace Museum Accepts Interns


  In order to develop its international educational activities, The Tehran Peace Museum accepts qualified interns.

The programme provides volunteer work opportunity at the Peace Museum for a period of one months for young people aged 18 to 25.

Interested individuals can sign up and complete the application form to apply from this section (Application form and Internship policy document).

Introduction to a Peace Museum: Lindau Peace Rooms

Lindau Peace Rooms TnLindau Peace Rooms (Friedens Räume)

Lindau is a historical German town and island on the eastern side of Lake Constance in the province of Bavaria and is home to the Lindau Peace Museum. Founded in 1980, the museum works to introduce the life and work of known and unknown pioneers of peace and bring them more into the realm of public consciousness.

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Tehran Peace Museum will be closed for visits from 20th to 22nd of July 2015

CloseThe Tehran Peace museum would be closed for visits from 20th to 22nd July 2015 to hold Peace Counts workshops.
The Peace Counts exhibition includes 25 stories of successful peace builders from around the world and is a part of international "Peace Counts" tour by Berghof Foundation. "Peace Counts" has been recognized by UNESCO as a contribution to the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence."

Ambassador of the Bulgaria visited Tehran Peace Museum

Ambassador-of-the-Bulgaria-news On Monday 13 July 2015, H.E Mr.  Christo Polendakov, ambassador of the Bulgaria visited Tehran Peace Museum ,together with the first secretary, Mr. Zhivko Kantchev.

Following this visit and during a meeting, the volunteers and staff of the TPM, including chemical warfare survivors, presented a brief report of the museum’s educational programs and international relations to the ambassador Polendakov and his companies.

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The 11th issue of the INMP newsletter is published

The 11th issue of the INMP (International Network of Museums for Peace) Newsletter (May 2015) is published and is now available on the following link.

In this issue of the newsletter, you can find reports and news from the peace museums around the world as well as useful information about the new peace related publications and upcoming events.

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Myanmar Joins Chemical Weapons Convention as the 191st state Party to the CWC

MyanmarOn 8 July 2015, Myanmar joined the Chemical Weapons Convention -CWC- and make it the 191st state party to the treaty; the CWC will enter into force for the Myanmar after 30 days.
North Korea, Egypt, South Sudan, Angola and Israel have not joined the CWC yet, known as 5 states non party to the convention.

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Commemoration of the 28th Anniversary of Sardasht Gas Attack

29-june-2015It was 28 years ago - on 28th of June, 1987 – that Sardasht, an ordinary Iranian town in West Azerbaijan Province was the target of a series of Sulphur mustard gas bombs dropped by Iraqi forces.  Many of the townspeople were killed instantly but thousands more survived this terrible attack and still suffer from the long-term health effects and disabling illnesses caused by such weapons of mass destruction.

To see the photos of this event please click here.

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International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

International-Day-in-Support-of-Victims-of-Torture-2015-NewsAn observance on the occasion of the "International Day in Support of Victims of Torture,” in cooperation with the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) and the United Nations Information Center (UNIC)’s office in Tehran, was held on Sunday 28 June 2015 in the Tehran Peace Museum.

To see photos of the event click here.

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Sardasht Memorial: Listen to Chemical Warfare Survivors


It was 28 years ago – on June 28th 1987 – when Iraq dropped a series of chemical bombs on the city of Sardasht in Iran’s West Azerbaijan Province.  The Tehran Peace Museum will commemorate this event in conjunction with the “National Day for the Commemoration of Victims of Chemical Weapons,” in the museum this coming Monday June 29th between 10 am and 5 pm.

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World Refugee Day Observed in Tehran Peace Museum

World-Refugee-Day-newsMillions of families all over the world have fled their homes to escape war, poverty or human rights abuses. Every year, on June 20th, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recognizes all refugees by observing World Refugee Day.

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Blood Donation: Life Donation

world-blood-donor-day-2015-news“Thank you for saving my life,” is this year’s theme for the World Health Organization’s World Blood Donor Day, celebrated globally on June 14th. In the spirit of giving and saving lives, a delegation of veterans and volunteers from the Tehran Peace Museum went to donate their blood at the Blood Transfusion Unit located at the Imam Khomeini Metro Station.

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UNIC Interns Visit TPM to Celebrate International Day of UN Peacekeepers

Peace-KeepingThe International Day of UN Peacekeepers is celebrated every year on May 29. This year, the Tehran Peace Museum celebrated this special day on June 2, 2015 by inviting the staff and interns of the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran to participated in its inaugural workshop called: An Introduction to UN Peacekeepers.

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The Colours of Friendship Art Exhibition

The-Colours-of-Friendship-newsThe Tehran Peace Museum in collaboration with the Hadis Educational Centre for Children, would like to invite you to their sixth joint venture of a peace drawing exhibition of Iranian children’s art works.

The "Colours of Friendship" exhibition will take place on 30-31 May 2015 in Tehran’s Andisheh Cultural Centre, Andisheh Park, Shariati Street in Tehran.
The exhibition is open to everyone from 3 to 5pm and admission is free.

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