International Day of Peace Observance

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, an event called " The role of museums in promoting a culture of peace" was held at Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) on 22 September 2024.

The event which was attended by volunteers, social activists, experts in the field of museums as well as a group of survivors and veterans of 1980’s war, jointly organized by TPM, National Committee of Museums and the In Flanders Fields Museum in Ieper, Belgium.

Following the message of the Secretary General of the United Nations a number of experts including Mr. Seyyed Ahmad Mohit Tabatabai, Secretary of the National Committee of Museums of Iran, Ms. Mona Badamchizadeh, senior museology expert Mr. Ismail Babaei, senior expert in museum management. As well as Mr. Filip Deheegher and Mr. Wouter Sinaeve from the city of Ieper in Belgium shared their experiences with the participants in the event.

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Tehran Peace Museum hosts the exhibition of Latin American independence struggles / Bolivia's National Day celebration

Monday 21 Aug 2024: A special ceremony was held at the Tehran Peace Museum in collaboration with the Bolivian Embassy on the occasion of the 199th anniversary of the independence of Bolivia in which a large number of ambassadors and foreign representatives in Tehran, officials of related organizations as well as volunteers of the Tehran Peace Museum attended ​​. In this event, in addition to commemorating Tupac Katari, the national hero of the fight against colonialism and unveiling the bust of this prominent figure in the history of Latin America, an exhibition was opened on this occasion in the Art Gallery of the Peace Museum. This exhibition, which includes pictures and posters from the ancient history of Bolivia and Latin America and the independence movement in this continent and the role of fighters such as Tupac Katari, is open to visitors until the 20th of September at the Art for Peace Gallery.




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Training session: an introduction to the OPCW II

The 2nd training session on “ introduction to Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons – OPCW – “ was held on Monday 10 June 2024 at the Tehran Peace Museum.

The event was attended by over 30 participants mostly postgraduate students of law, international relations as well as chemistry and biology.

A number of former OPCW staff members from inspectorate, International Cooperation and Assistance Division as well as two former OPCW Interns were among the speakers of this training session.

Ms Elisabeth Waechter, Head of Public Relations and Spokesperson of the OPCW was one of the speakers of the event who joind the training session via a live video call.

In her remarks, Mr Waechter provided brief information regarding the current and future activities of the OPCW and the role of civil society in promoting the goals of the OPCW and the Chemical Weapons Convention then she answered a number of questions from the audience.

Participants were also given chance to learn on how to use personal protective equipment in chemical incidents in a practical training.

The Tehran Peace Museum organizes such training sessions in regular basis to raise awareness among university students and young generation on the role of international organizations in promoting global peace/disarmament.

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Opening ceremony of the exhibition “Let me Breathe”

The opening ceremony of the exhibition "Let Me Breathe" took place on February 26, 2024, drawing a crowd of notable figures, including the ambassador of Japan and representatives for the UN. This exhibition pays tribute to five pioneering women scientists and artists who made significant contributions in Europe in the early 20th century. Dr. Clara Immerwahr from Germany, Dr. Gertrud Woker from Switzerland, Dr. Naima Sahlbom from Sweden, as well as Frida Perlen and Käthe Kollwitz from Germany, are being celebrated for their efforts to raise awareness about the dire consequences of using chemical weapons.
The ceremony commenced with the reading of a message from Professor Van Den Dungen, a well-known peace historian and the founder of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP). Following this, Seyyed Ahmad Mohit Tabatabai, president of ICOM Iran, delivered a speech highlighting the pivotal role of women in Iranian history and emphasizing their significance in the economic and social spheres.
After the formal ceremony, attendees were invited to visit the exhibition at the Tehran Peace Museum’s Gallery. For this exhibition, the efforts of these pioneering women have been showcased through posters and a collection of unique books and documents generously donated by Professor Peter van den Dungen, the founder of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP).

The exhibition will remain open to the public until March 11th at the Tehran Peace Museum, providing an opportunity for visitors to learn more about inspiring stories of these women and their enduring legacy in the fight against chemical weapons.

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Tehran Peace Museum will hold: ” Let me breathe ” Exhibition

Tehran Peace Museum will hold an exhibition introducing and honoring five pioneering women from the early 20th century. Through the stories of Dr. Gertrud Woker, Dr. Naima Sahlbom, Frida Perlen, and Käthe Kollwitz, who were preceded by Clara Immerwahr’s dramatic and tragic protest, the exhibition sheds light on their efforts to raise awareness about the horrors of chemical weapons and showcases the misuse of science in war. For this exhibition, a collection of rare materials including books and pamphlets will be put of public display.

Opening ceremony: February 26th, at 11:00                    

Venue: Tehran Peace Museum

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Chemical Warfare victim Mr. Ahmed Gholamifard, died of respiratory failure

Chemical Warfare victim Mr. Ahmed Gholamifard, died of respiratory failure on January 1st, 2024.

He sustained severe lung and eye injuries due to mustard gas exposure in January 1987 During the Iran-Iraq war, and suffered from chronic complications of chemical injuries for more than three decades, including tracheal stenosis and corneal damag.

Mr. Gholamifard, who was a resident of Mashhad, was an active volunteer member of the Association for the Support of Chemical Weapons Victims and the Tehran Peace Museum. He participated in various social programs including international events: he spoke as a representative of chemical weapons victims at the annual onference of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague in 2018. He was also one of the 4 chemical warfare survivors who appeared in the court of the Netherlands in The Hague in June 2023 during the trial of two Dutch companies that sold chemicals to the Saddam regime and testified as a mustard gas victim.

Due to the severe narrowing of his airways (trachea), Ahmad had undergone many surgeries, including airway stenting and several corneal transplants, but he was still full of hope and was active in various cultural, social and educational programs. ..Tehran Peace Museum expresses its condolences to the respected family of Mr. Gholamifard and the community of chemical warfare survivors ..... May his soul rest in peace.....

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Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

November 30th is the International Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Weapons

This day, which was unanimously named by the member states of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and is included in the calendar of the United Nations' global events, is an opportunity to recall the danger of chemical weapons and the need to completely destroy the arsenals of these weapons, as well as a call to 4 non-member states to join immediately without condition to the convention on the prohibiting of the production, development, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons.


Also, this day is an opportunity to commemorate those who lost their lives as a result of such prohibited weapons, as well as those who suffered long-term illnesses and complications due to exposure to chemical weapons, including the victims of chemical weapons in Iran.

It should be remembered that despite the global ban on the use of chemical weapons, which were first used in the First World War, in the war imposed by Iraq against Iran (1980-1988), Saddam's regime used more than 3 thousand tons of deadly and highly toxic chemical weapons against the combatants and the defenseless people of the border areas of Iran, as a result of these attacks, nearly one million people were exposed to chemical agents, and more than one hundred thousand people were treated for serious chemical injuries, and thousands of people lost their lives.



Today, more than three decades have passed since the end of the war, nearly 65,000 chemical warfare survivors in Iran are still suffering from chronic diseases caused by chemical weapons, and many of them need continuous medical treatment.


Mass killing of civilians and targeting medical facilities in Gaza is condemned

Mass killing of civilians and targeting medical facilities and hospitals in Gaza which is an inhumane and criminal act as well as clear violation of international humanitarian law ( IHL)  must be stopped immediately.

The Tehran Peace Museum as one of the IHL promoting NGOs, along with many other international NGOs and millions of people around the world, while condemning such horrible war crimes, calls upon the international community and responsible international organizations to do all they can to stop the ongoing tragedies in Gaza and reminds them that silence in the face of these crimes makes criminals continue killing and committing genocide with impunity….

For Gaza

Announcement: International Peace Day ceremony

The international day of Peace will be observed at the Tehran Peace Museum on Tuesday 19 September 2023 from 3 to 5 pm.

Each year the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Never has our world needed peace more.

This year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace. Fostering peace contributes to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will create a culture of peace for all.


Representatives of relevant international organizations, NGOs are invited to attend the ceremony.

The event is open for public.

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Report of an event: an introduction to the OPCW



A training session on “Introduction to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons - OPCW -" was held on Wednesday, August 9 at the Tehran Peace Museum. This half-day, hybrid (in person/virtual) meeting was attended by over 40 participants, with the aim of increasing public awareness about The objectives, structure and performance of the OPCW, as well as familiarization with job opportunities and internship program in this international organization..

 The program started with a video message from the Head of Public Affairs and Spokesperson of the OPCW, Ms. Elizabeth Vaechter who provided brief information about the OPCW, its priorities and the role of civil society in promoting its goals, then Dr. Shahriar Khatari, the former OPCW senior officer, delivered a presentation regarding the history and structure of the OPCW, as well as the use of chemistry in wars and the importance of its peaceful use, followed by a presentation by the representative of the National Authority for the Chemical Weapons Convention -CWC - , Ministry of Foreign Affairs on technical and political aspects of the CWC and its national implementation. Then, Mehrdad Habibi, former OPCW inspector explained about the organization's verification / inspection system and the life of an OPCW inspector and then Ms. M. Jahangiri, a former OPCW intern, spoke about her experience regarding this internship and how to apply for internship in the organization, finally Mr. Hojat Barna, who is currently doing an internship in the OPCW in The Hague provided valuable information about his internship experience in a video.

 At the end, certificates of attendance were presented to the participants.

 To know the next program of this series of meetings in the near future, regularly check the website of the Peace Museum...

Training session: an introduction to the OPCW


The Tehran Peace Museum in line with its education & outreach program has recently started a series of training sessions to introduce peace-related international organizations.

The next event which will be held on Wednesday 09 August (14:00 to 16:00 Tehran time) is dedicated to introduce the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in general and the structure/function of its Technical Secretariat.

The event is intended to raise public awareness about the important role of the OPCW in international peace, disarmament as well as on peaceful use of chemistry.

The main audience of the events are university students, youth activists, journalists and other interested people.

Several volunteer members of the Tehran Peace Museum as well as the survivors of chemical warfare are also among the audience of such events.

The following people are invited to deliver presentations during the upcoming  event:

  •    An official of the OPCW Technical Secretariat
  •    A former OPCW inspector
  •    A former OPCW/ICA staff member
  •    A former OPCW intern

The session is open to all interested individuals. To register for the event, click here


Representatives of the Tehran Peace Museum attended the 5th Review Conference of the CWC in the Hague


Three representatives of the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) attended the 5th Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention – CWC – which was held from 15 to 19 May 2023 in the Hague, The Netherlands.


Delegations from 193 States Parties to the conventions as well as representatives of over 50 Non-governmental organizations attended this event which convenes every five years to examine the CWC's operation, it evaluates the Convention's implementation status and sets out priorities for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons -OPCW- for the upcoming years .


TPM which was invited to the conference as a member of the CWC-NGO coalition, hold an exhibition in the margin of the conference on the chronic health effects of exposure to chemical warfare agents. TPM also co-organized a side event on the “victims of chemical weapons, their health needs and rights”.


During the conference, the TPM representatives met with the OPCW officials including the Director General Ambassador Arias to discuss the role of the OPCW in providing assistance to the CW victims as well as on how the NGOs can support the Technical Secretariate of the OPCW in achieving the coals of the convention.


The conference in the Hague was also an opportunity for representatives various NGOs active in the field of CWC, disarmament and related issues to share experience and discuss possible avenues of cooperation in this field.



Theater & Dialogue

Come and join us for an experience of how we can use Theatre as a means of communication!

In this 3 hours long hybrid workshop, we will share as a group, explore our senses and enter into dialogue with images that we create with our bodies. We will also learn about the Indian way of working with emotions in Theatre. The methods we will use will be Image Theatre, Games, and Exercises to relate to one another, ourselves, and action and reflection.

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Prior experience is not required. 

Please bring yourself and comfortable clothes!

The event aligns with the “Art for Peace” program of the Tehran Peace Museum and is intended to promote a culture of peace among various audiences.

Dr. Birgit Fritz is a theatre pedagogue and drama therapist, she lives in Austria and works internationally with different groups and communities (Basque Country, Germany, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan….). She is also the author of the Theater handbook, called InExActArt. 



For registration, please click here. 

A training session in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was held at the Tehran Peace Museum

A training session on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was held at the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) on Saturday 4 March 2023. The training which was jointly organized by the Tehran Peace Museum and the National Committee for Humanitarian Law was attended by 30 participants, mostly and Ph.D students of International Law from various universities.IMG 20230305 110338

The training was provided by a professor of International Law from Allameh Tabatabai University, Director General of International Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Legal Advisor of the ICRC (International Committee of Red Cross)- Tehran Office.
This event was in line with the TPM’s program on dissemination of IHL and raising public awareness on consequences of war and violence in order to promote a culture of Peace.

There will be more training sessions and workshops on IHL at the Peace Museum in the coming months.

Happy New Year 2023!

Tehran Peace Museum wishes you all a peaceful year ahead, full of health, understanding and happiness. 

May you be blessed this new year, with inner peace, prosperity and tranquility!

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The OPCW-The Hague Award announced: First responders training centres and civil society representatives honoured


The OPCW-The Hague Award ceremony was held on Monday, 28 November, 12:15-13:00 CET, on the sidelines of the Twenty-Seventh Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CSP-27).

“The OPCW’s mission to rid the world of chemical weapons is as relevant now as it was then. The Hague congratulates this year’s winners for their dedication to making our world a safer place. Future generations will be grateful,”  said Mr Jan van Zanen, the Mayor of the Municipality of The Hague.  

The Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Fernando Arias, and the Mayor of the Municipality of The Hague, Mr Jan van Zanen, present the OPCW-The Hague Award to honour three organisations for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons:

• Special Risks Brigade of the Federal Police of Argentina;

• Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition, representing more than 150 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from around the globe; and

• Population Protection Institute, Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.

To watch the 2022 OPCW-The Hague Award Presentation Cermony, Please click heretha-winners-announced 0

Representative of the Tehran Peace Museum attended the 27th conference of the States Parties (CSP 27) to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

CSP 27thRepresentative of the Tehran Peace Museum attended the 27th conference of the States Parties (CSP 27) to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)which was held from 28 Nov to 2 Dec 2022 in The Hague, The Netherlands.

In addition to diplomatic delegations from 193 member States to the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), Several Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from around the world participated in the conference including 3 Iranian NGOs.

The CWC NGO coalition organized a number of side events in the margin of the conference including an NGO forum.

During the NGO Forum, a presentation titled “Update of the health status of chemical warfare survivors and their needs” was delivered jointly by Homeyra Karimivahed as representative of the Organisation for Defending Sardasht Victims of Chemical Weapons (ODVCW) and Dr. Shahriar Khateri from Tehran Peace Museum.

A joint statement on the rights and needs of CW victims was also among the 15 joint statements read by NGOs during the conference.

Please click here, to read the joint statement. 

30th anniversary of the International Network of Museums for Peacee

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP), TehranAnniversary webinar- poster- for website Peace Museum hosted a hybrid international webinar titled “Narrating Peace in Museums for Peace”.

The webinar was conducted in three parts: 

Introducing the INMP: historical narrative 

Tehran Peace Museum’s narrative 

Present and future of the INMP

Speakers from the UK, Japan, US, Spain, Canada, Sweden, Australia, India and Iran gave speeches in the webinar. 

Various topics were discussed including: 

The next INMP conference in Uppsala, Sweden, Aug. 2023;

Achievements of the INMP over the past 30 years;

Peace museums with new approaches to display peace;

Projects funded by the INMP.

 To watch the the 30th anniversary of the establishment of International Network of Museums for Peace webinar, please click here.


International Day of Peace commemorating ceremony was held at Tehran Book Garden.

International Day of Peace commemorating ceremony, with the cooperation of Tehran Peace Museum, Iranian Secretariat of Mayors for peace, ICOM Iran, Iranian National Commission of UNESCO, United Nations Office in Iran, Tehran Book Garden, Museum of Friendship, Center of Communication and International Affairs of Tehran Municipality, was held at Tehran Book Garden. peace1

The opening of the ceremony began after the recitation of the Quran, and then the statement of the UN Secretary-General was read by Ms. Eigner Marie Venez (Head of the United Nations Information Center in Iran) and Mr. Pasha Tabrizian (UN Information Expert). Then Mr. Ahmad Mohit Tabatabai (President of ICOM Iran) gave a speech regarding peace in the history of Iran.

The opening was Followed-up by the video "What is peace?" and then Ms. Pope Mahdavi Nader gave a speech in relation to her project entitled "Walking around the world with the slogan of peace and friendship". Next, the statement of the Iranian Organ Donation Association with the theme "Organ donation, a symbol of peace" was read by Ms. Baran Nikrah (the ambassador of the Iranian Organ Donation Association). Then Ms. Zohra Bahrul Uloomi (origami master) introduced this art The opening ceremony was carried on by the reading Tehran Peace Musem statement by the two active veterans, Mr. Taqipour Moghadam (Director of the TPM) and Mr. Mohammadi. 

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Commemoration of the International Day of Peace

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, International Day of Peace Commemoration Ceremony will be held by Tehran Peace Museum and ICOM Iran, in cooperation with national and international organizations. International Day of Peace-small size


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Opening : 16:00 to 17:30

Exhibition: 16:00 to 20:00

Venue: Tehran Book Garden

Sections of the exhibition:

Exhibition of peace plaques, exhibition of the Museum of Friendship of Nations, peaceful games, puppets, making crafts and other peaceful programs for children and adults. 

To download the program poster, please click here.

The "Biological weapons from the International Law perspective" meeting was held at the Tehran Peace Museum.

The "Biological weapons from the International Law perspective" meeting was held by the Tehran Peace Museum and the Secretariat and Specialized Library of the National Committee for Humanitarian Rights on Monday, September 7, 2022, at the Tehran Peace Museum, with the presence of participants from various disciplines, including international law.TPM 019

The meeting was held with the presence of professors of biological weapons and experts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

firstly, the epidemiology of biological threats, types of microorganisms, their characteristics, effects, and consequences, the classification of biological agents, as well as the appearance of biological threats in Iran and its neighbors was explained and the key factors of epidemiology were introduced by a professor of the University of Medical Sciences.

Next, one of the lecturers explained the structure and content of the Biological Weapons Convention, as one of the most complete international documents in the field of disarmament.

The other speakers of the meeting discussed and analyzed Article 7 of the Convention. He explained how this international legal document can be strengthened through Article 7, and while identifying the drawbacks that exist in the way of the implementation of this document, he presented solutions for the implementation of the convention.

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A workshop to empower non-governmental organizations to participate effectively in the conference of state parties of the Chemical Weapons Convention was held in Tehran Peace Museum.

Tehran Peace Museum organized a workshop on preparing Iranian non-governmental organizations to participate in the 27th Conference of state parties Chemical Weapons Convention to empower Iranian NGOs participating in the conference on the 16th and 17th of August.

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Topics such as the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Conference of state parties, and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons were discussed in this workshop with the presence of representatives of seven related organizations from various cities in Iran.

The first day of the workshop started with discussing the subjects such as the history of utilizing chemical weapons in the world and Iran, the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and its national authority located in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also the structure of Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was studied. This day ended by receiving suggestions and questions.

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The memorial ceremony of Ms. Saba Bababae (Kuniko Yamamura), a peace activist at the Tehran Peace Museum was held

 The memorial ceremony of Ms. Saba Bababae (Kuniko Yamamura), a peace activist at the Tehran Peace Museum, was held on Wednesday, July 22,

saba babaethe meeting hall of the City Park; Peace activists, volunteer members of the TPM, chemical weapons veterans and Ms. Bababae's family attended the ceremony.

In this ceremony, selected parts of Saba Bababae's autobiography written by Hamid Hessam and Masoud Amirkhani were recited. 

At the beginning, Dr. Seyed Abbas Araghchi (former ambassador of Iran to Japan) gave a speech about the prominent traits of Ms. Bababae as a Muslim woman. Afterwards, Dr. Mohammad Reza Soroush (President of Tehran Peace Museum) spoke about Ms. Bababae's invaluable endeavors at the TPM.

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A workshop to analyze the latest developments in diplomacy and crisis management training courses in European Universities was held by Allameh Tabatabai University jointly with Tehran Peace Museum.

The workshop to analyze the latest developments in diplomacy training courses in European universities with the presence of a group from the non-governmental organization Crisis Management Initiative (CMI)- Finland's Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, as well as the second day of workshop to review the newest developments in crisis management training courses in European universities with the presence of Ms.  Dr. Mirushe Hoxha, Professor at the faculty of philology Blaze Koneski, Department of Albanian Language and Literature, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopja was held on Sunday, August 23, 1401 by Allameh Tabataba’i University in collaboration with TPM.IMG 0154 1

After visiting Tehran Peace Museum, The first part of the workshop started with the presence of the delegation of Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation of Finland consisting of Dr. Jaane Taalas (Executive Director), Mr. Maruan El-krekshi (Head of the Middle East and North Africa Department), Mr. Oskari Eronen (Head of the Asia Department) and  Mrs. Marcia Cimino (Project Manager of the Middle East and North Africa Department).

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